The World-Cultural-Heritage
Le patrimoine culturel mondial
El patrimonio cultural mundial
11.03.2025 Evangelium Mt 6,7-15
Macht es nicht wie sie; denn euer Vater weiß, was ihr braucht, noch ehe ihr ihn bittet.
PS: Eine dreifaltige Trinität besteht aus dem Geiste des Mannes beziehungsweise aus drei Männern und Hoheiten mithilfe ihrer dazugehörigen und vorbestimmten Frauen, wobei die Liebe die eigentliche Kraft zwischen den Kräften ist und bleiben wird!
Die Kaiserin, mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge!
Pilger der Hoffnung
Flüchtlingspolitik und die Konsequenzen
Des conditions sous la pression du temps
Solution à la politique d'émigration
Paul et les voyages de commande
La politique des réfugiés et ses conséquences
Condiciones bajo presión de tiempo
Pablo y los viajes por encargo
La política de refugiados y sus consecuencias
Life Is Lost Quite Fast........
America First...........
Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck, Germany
To NARAL Pro-Choice America
1156 15th Street, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
To Kate Michelman, President
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Order/ CC
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
As seen in Internet you and people like you give your photos, your names and your persons for disposal, to get trust in your dealing with the unborn life. You are psychological trained and you all have the knowledge from the consequences of a human being, who wants to give away her unborn child, haven’t you?
My first impression and in my opinion I could see only via Internet, that there is something wrong with you and people like you. People like you want to get satisfaction by doing their work by the idea been helping girls or women in life in such a way.
Especially you as the contact persons want to get satisfaction in life yourselves by your position, but if your mothers would have been gone to such a woman like you, you would not be existed on earth, you great people, whose may decide for life or death, don`t you!
You and other ones, please, will read the enclosed two letters, to inform your president and all the other demigods at once! (See e. g. Homepage) www.netsempress.de
Start in Germany with this order of Empress and at once in Great Britain. Please, go on with the order at once worldwide. End is now with playing with Our All* Creator worldwide! You and people like you as well as everybody else* are only guests on earth and not the owners. That what my person has to teach you and people like you e.g. that should be recognizable by the different receiver* from outside** by dealing with my/ your tools all over the world.
Too, it is about an Invisible Cudgel of my person from the Colossal Sphere at the end of time.* (Book of Revelation)** If you will have incredibly luck, the bottom is hitting you black and blue only, but otherwise you will be hidden to death by being sent there, where all the items of the unborn children do not belonging over there!
This letter is the lost light for all of us guests on earth, because it is possible, that there will be coming the bill uncontrolled from outside sphere, to play with the human being and to steal everything, what they are in need of their satisfaction! You and people like you are full of conceit and you have a great craving for recognition or you have a low self-esteem** and that is, what many women may use in their situations.
On behalf of
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
You and all other people have to learn to deal with a worldwide Monarchy at once, which consist of all the Royal Danish Ambassadors, too.
September 15th, 2016*
February 14th, 2017** January 24th, 2020 Document checked.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ursula
To: sbk@kath.ch
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 5:47 PM
Subject: matter
Ursula Empress
Marie Stopes International
Cleveland Street
GB London WIP 5PG
(17. January 2001)
Friday, 15 November 2002
Order of Empress as CC to all Abortion Clinics and Abortion
Practices Worldwide!
September 2016*
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