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The World-Cultural-Heritage

 Le patrimoine culturel mondial

El patrimonio cultural mundial

A contemporary military service.

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany 

To those ResponsibleIn

in the matter and on behalf of

the Lord and Creator


Germany, Luebeck, December 22, 2024

The German-language document you may find here!

A contemporary military service on the 4th of Advent on ZDF.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, Dear Psychiatrists and Psychologists,

Even today on the 4th of Advent, today, you and others ignore reality and play your game in the matter preferably with my person or let the game be played without limits.

Nobody has ordered that the matter and the order should be publicized via TV, but nobody has ordered that this order should apply to all other media, but on the contrary, the sick population worldwide* should be informed truthfully by the letters of my person partly also colloquially exactly via Internet, radio or newspapers and magazine publishers. *This means that all of the  documents of my person must at least be translated into all common languages, if possible also colloquially identical!

It can also no longer be right that television, or rather the directors of television, make no concessions whatsoever to the publicly supplied crap, for example the widespread binge eating, especially at Christmas time, and even to the contrary, more and more cooking studios and cooking or baking games are being sponsored! Advertising is also becoming increasingly dirty and disgusting, for example with naked piglets being shown on a campsite!

Children also have to watch these advertisements and that makes you as directors unqualified people who are not aware of the responsibility of the actual German culture of our country, which therefore applies equally to people from politics and the church. What kind of half and sick piglets have many of you and others become by employing and publicly presenting decent personalities who will earn their money through your institution?

Who or what are you, the directors, actually trying to cover up for? Your numerous erotic TV channels of a publicly disseminated cultural brothel, yourselves or the Empress as a kind of brothel mother or what other abnormalities are there in this messed up erotic scene?

But today you let broadcast a Protestant military service on ZDF in which, among others, a military psychologist and a military pastor had the floor and it became quite clear that the actual motivation of many of the male soldiers who are on the front lines of endangered or threatened countries is a completely different motivation than was stated or is generally known!

At the beginning of the service, this motivation was also clearly addressed and confirmed with a well-known American song, in that the psyche will also behave in the same way for most soldiers, which the military psychologist had long since recognized. The desire and the actual motivation of most soldiers is that someone or even the whole family will be happy when they come home as breadwinners and also experience recognition through a service rendered and protective function as a soldier, in that indirectly this service has also been rendered for their own family or for the general public!

Many men risk their lives or their health in a foreign environment in order to be able to return home at least once a year to receive this recognition from their wives, friends or family. This is often an unconscious main motive for many of the soldiers, as was made very clear in the service today! And now comes the question of all questions: Why do you, as specialists, let soldiers go to the front when the experts will know exactly what the real motives behind this activity are, even though the military of course actually embodies a protective function that can be important for the population.

How is a society supposed to develop for the better if highly qualified people basically use such knowledge primarily to keep themselves a secure job with good future prospects as a psychiatrist or psychologist or priest? Why do you, as these well-educated leaders, let things run their course or even use these incidents of soldiers through your expertise for your purposes or for your employer through general advantage thinking? Why?

For the Ukrainian soldiers and also for the Russian soldiers, the already involuntary deployment as soldiers now looks somewhat more serious, because if around one million men or soldiers have lost their lives in the last 1000 days in a war of nations, then the ordnance of all the soldiers will probably also be squandered. And that too is generally viewed with equanimity and accepted as unavoidable.

Unfortunately, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, also prophesied to us as humanity that there will and must be murder and manslaughter as a result of wars, crimes and epidemics, which naturally raises questions. Much misery and indescribable suffering through catastrophes and destruction in every respect, including families, were predicted to us and in fact these predictions have already come true. The Revelation of John is also becoming more insistently clear every day and is being confirmed daily in that the sick people do not want to know about any of this!

But only when the sick people reflect on God's reign will the tide be able to turn for the better, and this requires personalities in the appropriate positions who will also know to whom they are fundamentally responsible as the appropriate powers!

Soldiers are of no use if the world's population mixes en masse with all cultures in the future, with many losers simply because of the language barrier or religious affiliation and beliefs, as was unfortunately demonstrated again at the Christmas market in Magdeburg!

However, it is useful for soldiers if the young person first receives and completes proper training as a soldier by being equipped to take on or represent the protective function for the population and by being called into action. This is done by seasoned and decent men in the military by correcting the often lacking father image of young people. The protective function of these soldiers does not include the use of firearms, but only the use of shotguns in order to gain the necessary respect against the mentally ill local population if necessary.

Other professional soldiers will have to carry out their service with weapons against the respective mentally ill population in the mutual exchange of all states of the world by rendering unrestricted obedience to the Authorities and thus to the worldwide Monarchy!

This may lead to complications due to the super-dimensional realm, as the arrival and landing of dangerous and harmless UFOs will be predictable! And this will happen by mutual agreement of all states under the leadership of a Monarchy and its Royal Staff, in that the old and battered Earth will be stabilized by some of the UFOs helped to land!

A million deceased people, mostly men and fathers of families due to a war of nations in Europe are somewhere in no man's land and no longer on earth, in this case involving peoples who must be associated not only with the abortion of a human being but also with surrogate motherhood!

But one should know or also believe that at the end of time, from all corners of the earth, including the universe, the Creator will return and indeed return everything, which has also been prophesied to us as Christianity through our culture several times. Thus the Word of God speaks a clear language and calls on mankind to repent and obey the Authorities, which means that man or mankind in the right spirit becomes active independently and does not just wait for the things that will come and will actually happen at some point, but takes a risk and acts!

The signs set by the earth and the environment and the signs of recent events are clear and unmistakable, but it must not and under no circumstances be forgotten that the black continent will lose more than a million people, mostly small children, in 1000 days and that is the great, very great evil, which, apart from abortions, puts everything else, including wars, in the shade!

This is an extremely great crime against humanity due to the decades-long failure to provide help through starvation or lack of medication and infectious agents as the cause of death, whereby every thinking person in the world has become guilty! At this point, too, personalities, especially dark-skinned Americans, are urgently needed for the mission in Africa in order to stand up for peace, security and justice there as well!

But the Cudgel of my person is a long time coming, although it has already been ordered not only to hit desks, but also to smash desks unequivocally, but so far without hurting anyone!

Yours sincerely,

Ursula Sabisch, Empress

*Document added on December 23, 2024

HP: Hopefully the Emperor and the King can deal with the possible extent of my activities and assess them correctly, as there is hardly any recognizable activity on the part of the population, except for the despicable and time-consuming cheap play-acting or Punch and Judy show!

 Today, my person first read the Word of God through the reading year C of the 1st Sunday in the year, and at the same time followed the television service. As a result, my person had to write these lines and publish them in the evening!